Tuesday, May 27, 2014

One Day More

One day more of school... what?!? I am still pondering how one year of school can go by so quickly and one month of school go by so slowly! There is something definitely questionable about my perception of time right now.  Also, I am so sorry that I haven't posted since January! Again, how could it go by so quickly? Although, I am pretty surprised at how many posts I've made this year. I really don't like writing, but it has been fun to share with you my experiences this year.

One day more... I wish I had something profound or epic to say at this moment, but I don't. Other than the always true and always encouraging truth that God is good, powerful, and present. Those are three characteristics of God that I've always known in my head, but I am slowly learning through experience. Trusting that God is good and that what He gives me each day is good has been my biggest struggle, but has also been the source of the most hope. The last month or so of school has been, probably, the hardest month of my life, but God remains faithful through it all!

Anyway, it has been a trying year, to say the least, but somehow God has brought me through.  I still don't know why exactly He brought me out here to teach, especially since this year has confirmed my belief that I never thought I should be a teacher! I want to try to seek Him more and His plans for me out here.

One of the reasons I felt led to move here was because I was getting too comfortable in my life back home. As I struggled through being a teacher's assistant this year, I really wanted to seek out Christ more, but somehow even in the hardest times, I felt far from Him. My desire over the summer is to spend significant time just with the Lord. Even though I know I've grown this year, it still feels insignificant in the long run. Why can't I just get everything together overnight? :) But life isn't about the product all the time, sometimes it's just about the process.

I hope that wasn't too cliché or cheesy... I'm tired and it's the night before the last day of my first year of being a teacher's assistant!

All that's left to say is praise the Lord. He is good.
