Monday, November 11, 2013

The Love Of God

... is greater far than tongue or pen can ever tell.

God has been teaching me a lot about His love recently. I wanted to share some of it with you.  I have been reading a wonderful book Not By Sight by Jon Bloom. It is a "Fresh look at old stories of walking by faith". I have really been intrigued by the creative retelling of these stories and the lessons he shares through them. Although I do think you have to be careful when trying to "re-write" the Bible, I also think that Jon Bloom does a good job of stating the facts by quoting scripture and making the disclaimer that these retellings are not fact, but they are trying to get at the heart of the stories and make them more real to the reader.  He also draws lessons from each story and has some really good points to make that I've never associated with these stories before. One story and one paragraph in particular got my attention this week. The story is from John 11 about Lazarus and Martha and here is the point he makes about trust in God's plan and His love:

"God only ordains our deep disappointment and profound suffering for the sake of far greater joy in the glory he will reveal to us (Rom. 8:18). It is crucial to remind one another of this. Before we know what Jesus is doing, circumstances can look all wrong. And we are tempted to interpret God's apparent inaction as unloving, when in fact God is loving us in the most profound way he possibly can.
So in your anguish of soul hear Jesus ask with strong affection, 'Do you believe this?
'" (John 11:26)

One thing I've been realizing about why I sometimes doubt God's love for me is that I have a very poor definition of love. What I think love is, God doesn't seem to be doing or showing, so I don't think God loves me. But, in fact, I've got it backwards. I should be defining love by what I see from God because God is love. God is the very definition of love. I cannot define love apart from God. How prideful of me to think that I know what love should look like better than God knows. (That's another thing God's been teaching me–that pride is at the root of most of my sins and false thinking)
So when I read this chapter about Martha's struggle with the question of why Jesus let Lazarus die, I realized that I was interpreting God's apparent inaction in my own life as unloving, when in fact I can know and trust that He is loving me in the most profound way possible because He can do nothing else. It would be against His character to act any other way.
Whoa... that's pretty cool. Hard to trust, but cool.

God can never not love you or me.
So, I want you and I to hear Jesus ask with strong affection, "Do you believe this?"

Sunday, November 10, 2013

On Halloween...

As much as I love candy, I still don't like Halloween.  And this year's Halloween was especially crazy. I am glad that it's over!
This week of school started out like a normal week until about 9:30am on Monday. That's when I got the email that said we will have early outs on Monday and Thursday due to water issues in Mission. Oh boy... bus time at the end of a school day is always crazy and a little stressful, but when you push it back to 1pm instead of 3:30pm it's ridiculous.  The kids all know that they get to go home early, and they get very, very antsy.  Anyway, that was an adventure... also on Monday 2 of my students missed the bus because their bus left 5 minutes early.  Fortunately their bus came back for them. Then on Tuesday we had an unexpected early out because of continued water issues that day...
Then on Wednesday we had our Halloween carnival which got our students all riled up :) And Thursday was Halloween, so our class went trick or treating in the morning around the town to different businesses that wanted us to come. We got back and made some Halloween snacks, ate lunch, then went home.  It was such an out-of-routine week that 2 of our more difficult students, were more difficult than usual.  Needless to say, I was exhausted, even though I got to come home early because of the early outs.
The best part of this week, though, was when our inservice on Friday got cancelled, also due to the water issues in Mission. It was even better than a snow day! After this crazy week, I'm not sure I'll be able to go back to a normal school week.

As I've struggled through the crazy days and students this week, God has been teaching me a lot.  I've realized that I often respond badly to stressful or irritating circumstances. I am a very impatient person.  This week I got pretty short with several students for not following directions. What I am starting to realize is that most of my impatience and sometimes anger at difficult circumstances is rooted in pride. I want things my way, and I want them that way now.  As I walked down the gravel road today, I knew that I had to put that pride aside and take up my cross and surrender. I can't always change my circumstances, but I can change how I respond to them.  As much as I want to be in control of my students behavior, I'm not, and I don't think I ever will be. That is up to them. All I can do is my best to follow God and leave it up to Him.  It is so hard for me to give up control, even if it is just an illusion.

Those are my thoughts...

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Prayer Is Powerful

Over the past several weeks, God had been teaching me the importance and the power of prayer. As I think about the impact I can and will have in my classroom, whether good or bad, I know that I need to be in prayer for my classroom and my students. I often fail to be consistent in prayer, so I want to ask you to help me in this. I want you to keep my accountable and ask me whether or not I've prayed for my class today. I would also greatly appreciate if you would prayer for my class along with me.

Mrs. Hausmann's and Miss Laura's 1st grade class '13-'14 school year:
Talisa (TA-lee-sah)
Alexandria (she goes by Alex)
Morena (MAH-ree-nah)
Angelika (an-JEL-i-kah)
Khaylia (KAY-lee-ah)
Soraya (so-RAY-ah)
Gennea (Jah-NAY)

I know that these kids will forever hold a place in my heart as my first class ever. It's so fun to see these names and to see their faces and smile. I wish you could know them all too.


Monday, October 21, 2013

The Best Kind of Prize Is a Surprise

It seems like so much has happened since my last post, but I'm going to focus on the best part. Last weekend I got to go back to Iowa and visit my family! It was a long weekend for us at school because we got Monday off for Columbus/Native American Day and Friday was a professional development day. I hadn't really thought about going back for a visit other than Thanksgiving and Christmas, but I was reminded that it would be my Dad's 60th birthday later this month and I wanted to do something special for him. Also, my roommate Melany has a really good friend in Iowa, so she decided to come with me and visit her friend. It was great having her along and having two drivers for the 8 hour trip.
Needles to say, I had a wonderful weekend home. I got to go to my nephew's flag football game on Saturday, visit my friends at Wilson Toyota (my previous workplace), hang out at home and eat free food and do laundry, celebrate my wonderful dad with an awesome family dinner, spend time relaxing outdoors (which doesn't often happen here, even on the weekends), watch football, but most of all it was great to just spend a relaxing weekend home with my great family and friends. I wish I could have seen everybody when I was back, but I am glad that I wasn't too busy and could relax. It's also nice knowing that I'll be back at Thanksgiving and it doesn't feel so very far away now. I was a little worried at first that I would not be able to come back to the rez after being back home for a weekend, and it was really, really, really hard to leave. But after I left and got over my sadness of leaving, I did actually look forward to being back, and I was glad to be home. It's really strange though, that I still call both places home and in some ways they both are still home to me. I don't really know how to explain it other than the rez is where I live now, but Iowa is where I'm from so they're both home. It's a strange feeling... I'm not sure if it will change the longer I live here or if I'll feel more at home here, but I'm taking it day by day.
So that was my highlight of the past few weeks that I thought I would share. My family is pretty awesome and I am so thankful that I got to see them! Also, happy birthday, Dad! I hope it's an awesome day, just like you!

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Holy Blizzard, Batman!

I got my first taste of a South Dakotan winter today.  Overnight on Friday and all day Saturday it snowed, about 6-8 inches with very high winds. It was really strange to see that much snow so early in the year, and with the trees just barely turning their fall colors. I am grateful, though, that we didn't get the 4 feet of snow that fell in the Black Hills.

I took a few pictures just because I felt I had to on this historic day of snow. They are not great because I'm a little out of practice with my camera since I haven't had much time to take it out lately.
But here they are. I hope you enjoy.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Going Solo

So this week has been pretty cray-cray (sorry Stephen, I just had to say it). On Monday we had inservice, which for the Paras (teacher's assistants) pretty much meant reading through a section of the "Framework for Professional Practice" handbook and then working in our classrooms. It was really nice to get a break form the students and get some unfinished work and cleaning done. Except that I still had so much left undone at the end of the day. Then on Tuesday I was in charge of the classroom all by myself! Mrs. Hausman (the teacher I work with) had some data analysis training, or something like that with the school district, so I was put in charge of the class for the day. Whoopie! I only knew about this 2 or 3 days in advance which was actually good because I didn't really have enough time to worry or get stressed about it. Also, Bethany (my roomate) had been talking earlier about how she wanted to not get stressed in teaching and to just enjoy it more. So, I had already been intentionally looking to do the same. And God in his grace allowed Tuesday to be a really good day. I didn't get too stressed, the students behaved, for the most part, and I think they learned something too! It was really a huge comfort to have to lead the class in a way. My coworkers checked in on me and looked out for me, and now I know that it is possible for me to lead a classroom for a day if I have to. But mostly it was good to have this opportunity to rely so much on Christ to sustain me and to guide the day in how He wants it to go.

Yesterday was also quite interesting... it was a very long day. We had our first almost big issue in our class. One of the kids who frequently needs attention, reminders to stay on task, and to not talk in class had a minor breakdown. He was denied a bathroom break because he was messing around in the hallway and we as a class were going to take a break soon anyway. He got really upset and was crying and wouldn't come back to the classroom on his own, so I had to almost drag him back to our room. I was pretty upset too because I didn't know what to do and what would be best for him. I felt bad for causing this, but I knew I couldn't let him get away with not following the hallway rules. This student is also one of our low students in the class and often needs reminders to do his work. I know he has some issues at home and is on a new medication for ADHD, so that also makes it hard trying to do the right thing for him. I know he is going to be an ongoing struggle and would really appreciate prayer for him and for me and Mrs. Hausman as we try to deal with the situations that come up with him. Anyway, that was a fun day :)

Then tonight my sister decided that she is going to come visit me tomorrow!! Yay! A completely awesome end to a crazy weekend. I can't tell you how excited I am to see her!

Well, that's kind of my week in an almost short version ;)


Sunday, September 8, 2013

Some Photos

I haven't taken many photos since I've been here, but I do have some photos to share from camp and from Lifelight.

Camp Oak Hills 2013!
Fun on the slip-n-slide
Gavin's turn
Judd's got the hang of it 
Caleb, Judd, and Glacier 
 Elisa modeling the sunglasses
 Eddie's turn
 The girls with style
 Three of my favorite ladies!!
Kyra and Kathryn made Lizzi a tiara 
 Emily chillin' during a game of sharks and minnows
 More sharks and minnows
 Judd didn't want to play so Andrew carried him
 I think he's enjoying it a little too much...
Go Sarah!

 Maddie and Faustina
 Faustina and I

 First try at a van group picture... we're missing the front and middle rows
 Take 2... Krya & Faustina still refusing to show their faces
 Got 'em! Sort of...
 Our wonderful driver, Pastor Randy
 Happy birthday, Aaron!
Group photo! (and lens flare)

So Much in So Little Time

Since my last post, a lot has happened! Some of which includes: guests from Melany's family and friends from back home, a long weekend with a trip to Lifelight, my first "real" week of school, leading the classroom in morning meeting on Tuesday and Wednesday, all-school family night with nachos, Parmelee girls Bible study, and Chipotle night here at 503 He Dog. (We should really think of a fun name for our house)

I almost didn't want to write another post because it would take a long time to write about everything that happened, but then I decided I should at least write something even if I don't get talk about everything that happened. So, at least now you have a very brief overview of the last few weeks.

One highlight was having company for the long Labor Day weekend. Melany's brother and their friend Brooke came to hang out with us and to spend time with the kids here. We took 4 boys and 5 girls from Okreek and Parmelee to Lifelight christian music festival in Sioux Falls on Sunday night to see Newsboys. Unfortunately Melany got sick at the last minute and was not able to go. It was a pretty big disappointment for all of us, especially since she was the one who had planned the trip. It also delayed us, so we missed most of the evangelist that spoke before Newsboys came on.  But overall it was a good trip and a great concert. I think the kids really enjoyed it. I know at least one of the guys we took had seen Newsboys in concert before and really likes them, so I'm sure he really enjoyed it. The lead singer also spoke about some really cool things in between the songs that I think had the potential to really affect these kids. He talked about even though people, christians especially, can put on a front, we all have serious issues that only Christ can heal. He also talked about his mother who is close to death and how that made him grieve, but also rejoice because of our hope in Christ. I pray that those who were there really take time to think about what he said. Sometimes it seems to me such a small thing that we took some kids from the rez to a christian concert, but I know that God can work mightily through the small things. And you never know how one simple thing that was said, sung, or heard can affect the heart of a teenager.  I hope that you will also pray with me for the hearts of these youth.

Also, as we start a girls Bible study for the Parmelee girls, I would appreciate prayer for wisdom as we lead, open hearts to receive God's word, and most of all that they would be saved and come to know the Lord personally. We started our first week of Bible study Friday night. We decided to do a study on Esther, so this first week we watched the movie The Book of Esther. I was not hugely impressed by the movie, but I think it was good for the girls to at least have a decent overview of the story of Esther. We are going to meet every other week and go through the book, For Such a Time as This. We also want to try to split the 11 girls up into 3 small groups because we really want these girls to open up and connect which would be more difficult in the bigger group.  So prayer for Melany, Bethany, and myself as we each lead a group would really be appreciated.

Well, this post is already really long, so I'll stop there. Thank you so much for your prayers and encouragement! This week was long, but this weekend was really restful. Today especially was a great time to really connect with God and get energized for the upcoming week. I can't wait to see what God has for me on the road ahead!
God bless!

Friday, August 30, 2013

First Week of School Accomplished! (And I didn't die!)

Wow, school is hard... I have only been with my students 3 half-days so far, and I already feel exhausted! I think most of that is my fault, though, for not going to bed early enough... getting up at 6am regularly hasn't ever been required of me before, and it is definitely not my favorite.  Our students are great, though, and I already love them all! I even impressed myself because I learned all of their names after the first day. I can't believe I'm really a teacher's assistant on the rez... it's so crazy where God leads us sometimes. I'm pretty excited about the school year, although if we don't get some good routines and expectations in place next week, it could be hard to get them to settle down and focus.  There are a few of the students who are pretty behind and not up to grade level yet. It's pretty common, though, in the school district across all grades to have several students who are testing in 2 or 3 grade levels behind.  It is so sad to see, but so hard to fight or find a solution to.  The classrooms have way too many students and most of the time we can hardly get past the behavior issues to get to the real teaching and learning.  I am making it my goal to try my hardest with the students who are behind and intentionally praying for them. I'm sure that the kids who are struggling the most probably have the most issues at home or have been through the most, so they are in the most need for structure and education. Although, what they really need is Christ. I still don't know what it looks like for me to share the love of Christ with these kids in the classroom. I want them to succeed in our 1st grade class, but I feel like that is so little compared to the all the hurt, evil, and pain they will have to struggle through.  I'm still not sure what to do with that. Anyway, school has been pretty good so far, but I'm still trying to find my place and purpose in it. I would really appreciate prayer for that and for the kids who are already struggling to keep up.

I also have a huge answer to prayer to share with you! Some of you know from my emails that I thought I was coming down with a cold, but I only felt a little bit of a sore throat coming on for a couple days, then I was perfectly fine! It was definitely an answer to prayer, and, I think, a miracle. I almost never stay healthy when someone else in the house is sick or recover so quickly from feeling sick. I was so relieved and happy that I wouldn't have to deal with sickness on the first week of school. And I have to thank all of you for praying for me! If I didn't have you prayer warriors on my side, I don't know what I would do. Thank you so much and praise the Lord for His abundant blessings!


Tuesday, August 27, 2013

A Teacher's Assistant and a Blog

I never thought I would see the day when I would start a blog... I also never thought I would see the day that I would be working in an elementary school classroom, but both of those things have happened, I hope for good reasons! Actually, I know these have happened for good reasons. Just as we (me and my roommates) talked about during our Bible study tonight, I know that God is in control of our lives and not only gives good gifts, but has the best plans for us.  So, all that to say that I've started a blog, believe it or not. I wanted to let people have the chance to read about what's going on without constant emails (although if you want email notifications on new posts, that is still an option).

Tomorrow is the first day of school at North Elementary! I am so nervous and not really sure if I am ready! But I know that the teacher that I'm working with will be very helpful in getting me started and more comfortable. I just am not sure if I'll feel more like a student than a Para in the classroom. Although I am still anxious, I am also excited to meet all of our students and start getting to know them. This week will be a little different then normal because we are going to have early outs tomorrow and Wednesday because of the heat. Most of our classrooms have AC, but a few of them are not working. I think it will be nice for me to start out with a few half days, so I don't get too overwhelmed!

A few prayer requests:
For the first day of school, that it would be a great start to the school year and that it wouldn't be chaotic or stressful, for teachers and students.
I am still not feeling quite the best although I'm not feeling any worse, so continued prayer for healing would be much appreciated.
Also, this weekend, Melany, Bethany, and I and a few others from Melany's mission team are going to take several kids to the Lifelight christian music festival in Sioux Falls. So please pray that the kids we take would have open hearts to hear what the speakers and the musicians have to say, and please pray for safety in travels and smooth planning and logistics.

Thanks so much for reading. I think of you all often and miss my friends and family back home very much. Please let me know if there is anything I can be praying about for you.
God bless!