Tuesday, August 27, 2013

A Teacher's Assistant and a Blog

I never thought I would see the day when I would start a blog... I also never thought I would see the day that I would be working in an elementary school classroom, but both of those things have happened, I hope for good reasons! Actually, I know these have happened for good reasons. Just as we (me and my roommates) talked about during our Bible study tonight, I know that God is in control of our lives and not only gives good gifts, but has the best plans for us.  So, all that to say that I've started a blog, believe it or not. I wanted to let people have the chance to read about what's going on without constant emails (although if you want email notifications on new posts, that is still an option).

Tomorrow is the first day of school at North Elementary! I am so nervous and not really sure if I am ready! But I know that the teacher that I'm working with will be very helpful in getting me started and more comfortable. I just am not sure if I'll feel more like a student than a Para in the classroom. Although I am still anxious, I am also excited to meet all of our students and start getting to know them. This week will be a little different then normal because we are going to have early outs tomorrow and Wednesday because of the heat. Most of our classrooms have AC, but a few of them are not working. I think it will be nice for me to start out with a few half days, so I don't get too overwhelmed!

A few prayer requests:
For the first day of school, that it would be a great start to the school year and that it wouldn't be chaotic or stressful, for teachers and students.
I am still not feeling quite the best although I'm not feeling any worse, so continued prayer for healing would be much appreciated.
Also, this weekend, Melany, Bethany, and I and a few others from Melany's mission team are going to take several kids to the Lifelight christian music festival in Sioux Falls. So please pray that the kids we take would have open hearts to hear what the speakers and the musicians have to say, and please pray for safety in travels and smooth planning and logistics.

Thanks so much for reading. I think of you all often and miss my friends and family back home very much. Please let me know if there is anything I can be praying about for you.
God bless!

1 comment:

  1. Excellent God and you are moving forward TOGETHER! I couldn't agree showing up here with your blog moves you to ahead of the class! A very positive step with your communication for all of back here or anywhere to read, watch and listen. You are the photographer in group so get to snapping and post what you can when you can with a story for the photo(s). You have our prayers and support always.

    Verne Wonderlich
    Soldier Combat Medic (Ret.)
