Sunday, September 8, 2013

Some Photos

I haven't taken many photos since I've been here, but I do have some photos to share from camp and from Lifelight.

Camp Oak Hills 2013!
Fun on the slip-n-slide
Gavin's turn
Judd's got the hang of it 
Caleb, Judd, and Glacier 
 Elisa modeling the sunglasses
 Eddie's turn
 The girls with style
 Three of my favorite ladies!!
Kyra and Kathryn made Lizzi a tiara 
 Emily chillin' during a game of sharks and minnows
 More sharks and minnows
 Judd didn't want to play so Andrew carried him
 I think he's enjoying it a little too much...
Go Sarah!

 Maddie and Faustina
 Faustina and I

 First try at a van group picture... we're missing the front and middle rows
 Take 2... Krya & Faustina still refusing to show their faces
 Got 'em! Sort of...
 Our wonderful driver, Pastor Randy
 Happy birthday, Aaron!
Group photo! (and lens flare)


  1. These are good pictures! Thanks for posting, it's fun to see them!

    1. Thanks, I am glad you like them! Since I can't get on Facebook with my computer, I thought it would be a good way to share them.
